Advancing treatments for rare diseases together

November 2016


EspeRare is delighted to add a new program to its portfolio and to announce the relaunch of a previously marketed active implantable medical device, FloWatch.  EspeRare recently obtained the licensing rights to this clinically-proven device that has medical benefits in protecting the heart and lungs of babies born with severe congenital heart defects. This is EspeRare’s first “medical devices” program, adding diversification to our present portfolio of 4 therapeutic drug programs. This is also EspeRare’s first, market-ready therapeutic intervention. EspeRare’s medical devices team is working hard to have the first FloWatch units manufactured and marketed before the end of 2017.

FloWatch is a technology that could be offered to up to 1000 babies per year in Europe and to over 30,000 in Africa and Asia. In these latter regions, and in line with EspeRare’s ethical goals of universal access to medicine, we are evaluating a distribution model for FloWatch that is socially responsible, maximizes medical impact, and whereby profits made from the FloWatch sales in the developed countries support philanthropic distribution in the poorer countries.

Find out more about the FloWatch programme

Find out more about Congenital Heart Defects

Find out more about the FloWatch device